Founding member
Softislab is a platform for kind, curious and experimental activities with textiles, clothes and fashion. We arrange courses and workshops and aim to provide professionals opportunities for artistic work. We are specialised in natural dyeing and screen printing.

To us, designing and facilitating workshops is artistic work and a way for us to employ ourselves and other designer sustainable. This way we can also provide alternatives to the traditional product-oriented design work.
Textiles, clothes and fashion bring us joy and we wish to share the enthusiasm towards soft materials and soft values.

In addition to our own activities, we have hosted workshops at Sideways festival, Solve the SDGs Hackathon at Aalto University, Startup Sauna, Helsingin Tyttöjen Talo (Girls House) and Helmi ry.
For more information visit:
Supported by: Creademo funding from AVEK.
Header images by Mira Järvinen from JOIN – Collective Clothes workshop 4.3.2023 organized together with Seams Helsinki.